Our Guarantee
We guarantee the health of your new puppy at the time of delivery. You will have 48 hours from date of purchase to have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian.
If the puppy is found to be unhealthy then you will need to notify us the same day and make arrangements to send puppy back with a letter from the veterinarian explaining the puppy’s condition. We will not be responsible for any veterinarian bills or for the expense of sending the puppy back. If you decide to keep the puppy then this guarantee is null and void. This guarantee is for non-parasitic health issues. Common canine parasites such as coccidia or giardia, are not reasons for a replacement puppy. Once our veterinarian examines the puppy and is in agreement with buyer’s vet then we will replace the puppy. Replacement shipping will be your responsibility.
Just a reminder, this is a replacement guarantee only, no cash refunds. All sales are final.

In no way are we responsible for any veterinary bills or cost of ownership incurred by you. Seller has one year from purchase date to find a suitable replacement. We do not guarantee the reproductability, adult size, adult coat color, or personality of the puppy. Unfortunately we have no control over genetics. We will do our best to presume adult size and characteristics based on our experience and on characteristics of dam and sire, but we cannot guarantee your puppy's adult characteristics and temperament.
Shipping Policy
Sorry, we are not currently shipping puppies. If you would like to fly to Houston to pick up your puppy, call us and we can help you make arrangements. Thanks for understanding.