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bred for ROYALTY
Havanese ... this tiny canine with a big heart has a taste for the good life. It's no wonder, for centuries these pampered pooches have adorned the laps of the rich and famous.
Queen Victoria owned two of the toy dogs and Charles Dickens had one he affectionately called "Tim." But, Barbara Walters swears her Havanese is really something special. Her dog's name is Cha Cha and she said it told her, "I love you." She announced that on The View so maybe it can talk.
There's no doubt that what the Havanese lacks in size, it makes up for in personality. It is a very lively dog. It is a very affectionate dog. It is a very people loving dog and it is bred solely for companionship.
The other thing that's good about the Havanese is that they are not yappy and snappy like a lot of the toy breeds.
The Havanese is an ancient breed whose origins can be traced to the Mediterranean as far back as first century AD. These charming pets are believed to be members of the Bichon family and to have traveled aboard Spanish trade ships to Cuba in the early 16th Century.
When the Cuban revolution broke out, 11 of the dogs fled to the United States with their well-to-do owners. That means that all Havanese in the US today can be traced to 11 Havanese immigrants.
While they're still considered rare, their popularity is growing. The Havanese is definitely in the top 5 breeds of dogs in New York City right now.
In Cuba, the Havanese is the national dog and the countries only native breed, hence the name Havanese.
Personable as well as pretty, Havanese come in a rainbow of colors. Everything from black to white to chocolate to silver and any combination in between. But their most unique characteristic is their beautiful silky coat. Described as raw silk floss, Havanese coat is wavy, soft and bountiful. Insulating the dog from the harsh tropical rays in it's native country.
For those who are unfamiliar with the Havanese breed, they are happy, calm, and not yappy like some toy breeds tend to be. Havanese conform to your mood instantaneosly, whether you want to play or cuddle. Havanese are also easy to train
because they are so eager to please.

Weekly brushing and combing and the occasional bath will keep them clean and looking their best. Grooming can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your pet. Their strong fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting and cracking. Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.
Not many dog breeds have grown in fame as fast as the Havanese, perhaps because of their relentlessness nature and ability to survive all climates. There are a lot of interesting facts about the Havanese; here are the top nine we could lay our hands on.
1. The Evolution of Havanese
The history of the Havanese is quite interesting. Starting as a Cuban member of the international Bichon family, which is a group comprising Maltese, Bolognese, and the Bichon Frise, the Havanese was also affected by the Spanish influence over Cuba in the early days. With many Spanish aristocrats finding their way into the city of Havana, perhaps due to its excellent weather and entertaining theaters and operas, the mixing of the Havanese and the Spanish was inevitable. The relationship grew so tight that the Spanish couldn’t leave the Havanese behind when leaving the Cuban city.
Fast forward to the 18th century; these dogs have become regulars in the French, Spanish and English courts. Notable Havanese owners then included author Charles Dickens and Queen Victoria. The Havanese found their way to the United States, all thanks to the 1950 Cuban revolution that led to the forceful dispersal of most Cubans, who went with their dogs to the United States.
All these had led to the recreation of a Havanese gene pool as far back as the 1970s.
2. Their coat is heat-tolerant
Full, soft, and light raw silk is the best way to describe the Havanese coat, which is responsible for keeping them protected from the typical Cuban strong and tropical rays. From this coat came a couple of different breed names, including the Spanish Silk Poodle and the Havana Silk Dog. Considering how protective the coat is, especially its heat-resistant abilities, the Cubans left it as it is, without clipping or tying up the hair on the head.
However, in recent times, most Havanese dogs are subjected to shorter pet trimming to ensure that they are clean and the hair isn’t matted.
3. Corded Havanese
There are now adult Havanese with long, tassel-like cords - something with the appearance of dreadlocks. In the case of young dogs, the corded coats usually divide to form wavy sections, before growing into cords. Although it is possible to have both brushed and corded coats, most corded Havanese owners prefer this unusual appearance.
4. You will find them in different colors
The white colored Havanese dogs are the Bichon Frise and the Maltese. Conversely, the Cuban Havanese are known to come in various colors, including different shades of black, dark blue, chocolate, gray, pale cream, gold, and even white. There are also Havanese dogs with two-tone or parti-color, and the most common is the black and white or gold and white types.
5. Special Backline
Unlike the usual level back found in most dogs, the Havanese has a back that is slightly elevated from around the top of the shoulders to the tail. It is more prominent on full-coated dogs, while you may have to reach under the coat to feel it in others.
6. Their gait is springy
You will only see these in Havanese dogs, considering that their front legs is short and they experience a push from the back end of their bodies. The black pads of their feet become visible the moment they walk away. This style of movement is responsible for their confidence and cheerful mood.
7. There is the Havana Silk Dog
In the bid to keep the Havanese closer to its roots, some breeders started the re-creation of the older types of the breed with the aid of paintings, sculptures, and written descriptions. These breeders name such dogs as the Havana Silk Dogs, and the proposed traits include a longer muzzle, smaller ears, longer and less-curved forelegs, and flatter and silkier coat. They even went as far as launching a national breed club - the Havana Silk Dog Association of America, but not with the aim of demanding the official recognition of the breed as a unique breed by the American Kennel Club.
8. The Character of the Havanese Dogs
According to the Havanese Club of America, these dogs are naturally playful, friendly, with a high sense of alertness. They also have a sweet smell and will not quarrel unless provoked. Thus, having them as domestic dogs will be great and safe. However, you must be ready to give them companionship and stay around them, because they love it.
9. Celebrities keep Havanese Dogs
A couple of best-in-class celebrities have adopted these nice little creatures as pets. The first on the list is Venessa Williams. The famous tennis star owns Harold Reginald Williams - a beautiful Havanese. Barbara Walters also have a Havanese. Others are Naomi Judd, Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, Daniel Tosh and Jennifer Love Hewitt among others.
So, there you have them - the nine interesting fun-facts about the Havanese dogs. No doubt, this breed of canines are interesting and amazing to have around.